Design meets functionality
At the beginning of the interior design planning there is the careful analysis and detailed consultation of the customer. Whether cool and elegant or warm and elegant - the buchheister products fit into every interior thanks to their perfect form and the diverse, high-quality fabrics.
Sometimes a single accent is enough to give a room an unforgettable look. The buchheister products speak for themselves -
timeless with a simple, functional form.
With our 3-brand strategy, buchheister® inspiring rooms (premium brand) ARTdeco® (retail brand) and mydeco® (DIY brand), we can cover all the needs of end consumers.
buchheister markenwelt
think . create . delete . renew ...this is DESIGN
Design wird oft als „Dinge schön(er) machen“ missverstanden, dabei geht es um weit mehr als das. Denn Design bedeutet, kreative Lösungen für komplexe Probleme zu finden.
Die Produktdesigner Jochen Schmiddem, Giulio Iacchetti und Alberto Zecchini verstehen es exellent, ansprechendes Design und Funktionalität in
Szene zu setzen.
buchheister world of brands
assembly instructions
Mydeco® flex
assembly videos
Rollo flex
assembly videos
assembly videos
assembly videos
assembly videos
assembly videos